Headwing Way can be summed up in three words - Love, Freedom and Responsibility.

Headwing Way, based on the philosophy of Godism, is a balanced loving way to achieve the goal of creating a global family and realize the everlasting ideal world of God’s true love by solving fundamentally and permanently all the numerous and difficult problems that afflict humankind.


Rob Carvell, born in England, started his adult life as a sound engineer touring the world with superstar rock and roll bands. But he received his call from God to come to the USA in 1976, this country’s bicentennial. He spent the next 12 years on the spiritual frontlines working with various programs and crusades, eventually becoming a pastor in Austin TX and then Little Rock AR. In 1988 he moved to NY to help build a TV and recording studio complex for the church and stayed on to help in its operations for 28 years. He continues to utilize this skill as a technical director and stage manager for various festivals such as the Rod of Iron Freedom Festival and the America the Great Festival held annually.

Gabriella (Gaia) Carvell was born in Italy. In 1976 she started a Ginseng business in Milano for an international company and had the opportunity to travel all around Italy to demonstrate the wondrous medicinal value of this natural root. In 1986 she was called to cross the big water to the USA. Through many years of full time caring for a relative, God taught her His heart of love for humankind.

She is now a spiritual teacher, an ordained chaplain, a certified 2nd degree Reiki and a neonatal nurse. She is an advocate for Holistic Health

Both having lost their first spouse, they re-married in 2016. Discovering their shared love for God and Christ, and their mutual desire to share this with others, they co-authored five books.

They now live in NE Tennessee and are both active in the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary simply known as Sanctuary Church.


"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12: 30-31


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