The Role of Love in the Existence of God

Why and How Did God Come into Existence?
The question of how and why God came into existence has been a topic of philosophical and theological debate for centuries. While there are various theories and beliefs surrounding this question, one common understanding is that God came into being due to love.
The Origin of the Universe
The realization of the origin of the universe is intricately connected to the concept of love. It is believed that the seed of love was assimilated by God as the object partner, resulting in God himself possessing both internal nature and external form as well as masculine and feminine attributes.
The Role of Love
The basis for the existence of God, as well as our own existence, lies in the power of unconditional love. Just as we were given the seed of life through the love of our parents, God also became the being he is today through the same principle. Every feature of God, was formed in a similar manner to how we were shaped.
God's creation and our own existence are both rooted in the fundamental force of love. Love is the driving force behind the existence of the universe and all living beings. It is through love that life is created and sustained.
The concept of God being created through love emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings. Everything in the creation is created through the relationship of plus and minus or male and female just as God has masculine and feminine attributes. It highlights the idea that we are not separate from God, but rather an integral part of the divine creation. This understanding encourages a sense of unity and oneness with the divine.
Furthermore, the notion that God came into existence through love challenges the belief that God is an aloof and distant figure. Instead, it portrays God as a being who is intimately connected to humanity and understands the depths of human experience.
In conclusion, the question of why and how God came into existence can be understood through the lens of love. Love is the foundation upon which both God and the universe were formed. It is through love that life is created and sustained, and it is through love that we are connected to the divine. Understanding the role of love in the existence of God can deepen our appreciation for the interconnectedness of all beings and foster a sense of unity and oneness with the divine.